Results for 'Modesto Emilio Barrios'

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  1. El método en los estudios penales.Modesto Emilio Barrios - 1912 - Leon, Nicaragua,:
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    Teacher's Physical Activity and Mental Health During Lockdown Due to the COVID-2019 Pandemic.Leire Aperribai, Lorea Cortabarria, Triana Aguirre, Emilio Verche & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led teachers to an unpredictable scenario where the lockdown situation has accelerated the shift from traditional to online educational methods, and relationships have been altered by the avoidance of direct contact with the others, with implications for their mental health. Physical activity seemed to be a factor that could prevent from mental disorders such as anxiety or depression in this peculiar situation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to explore how teachers have been affected by (...)
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    Improper Omission as an Amplifier Device of the Criminal Statue in Colombia.Armando Noriega Ruiz, José Luis Robles Tolosa, Elina Marcela Meriño Ortega & Andrés Felipe Soto Barrios - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1901-1923.
    In the evolution of criminally relevant action in modern crime theory, social action has assumed a particular significance as a dogmatic element that enables the effective protection of legal assets in a society beset by risks. In the vast array of theories regarding the role of the guarantor and its legal and doctrinal development, as well as the jurisprudential extension of equivalence clauses of improper omissions that serve as amplifier devices of the criminal statue through an indirect adaptation, there is (...)
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  4. Colaboradores de este número.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, Manuel Barrios Casares, António Braz Teixeira, Francisco J. Contreras, Gustavo Costa, Alberto M. Damiani, Marcel Danesi, Thomas Gilbhard, Gabriel Livov & Fabrizio Lomonaco - 2002 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2001 (461):13-14.
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    The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research.Nolan Bard, Jakob N. Foerster, Sarath Chandar, Neil Burch, Marc Lanctot, H. Francis Song, Emilio Parisotto, Vincent Dumoulin, Subhodeep Moitra, Edward Hughes, Iain Dunning, Shibl Mourad, Hugo Larochelle, Marc G. Bellemare & Michael Bowling - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 280 (C):103216.
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    Bien común y sostenibilidad de base comunitaria para México. Aportaciones de la universidad pública y la Iglesia católica.Nancy Merary Jiménez Martínez & Raúl García-Barrios - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (127).
    A partir de una reflexión crítica de la sostenibilidad, en que identificamos que su dicurso ha estado regido por los supuestos del bien común del neoliberalismo progresivo, proponemos alternativas de interpretación ética y epistemológica de este concepto; es decir, lo trasladamos hacia un campo de reflexión y acción regido por una noción alternativa de bien común. Para ello, hacemos uso de tres elementos: ampliar la experiencia cooperativa humana, descrita por Graeber (2011), la tradición del pensamiento neotomista de MacIntyre y el (...)
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    Temas de cultura científica y tecnológica: actitud crítica y ciudadanía responsable.Bolaños Sánchez, Víctor Hugo, Adrián Espinosa Barrios, Fabiola Ortega Garnelo & Diego Reyes Baza (eds.) - 2019 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.
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    Membership, Neighborhood Social Identification, Well-Being, and Health for the Elderly in Chile.Emilio Moyano-Díaz & Rodolfo Mendoza-Llanos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The world’s elderly population is growing, and in Chile they represent 16.2% of the total population. In Chile, old age is marked by retirement, with a dramatic decrease in income that brings precariousness. Older adults are economically, socially, and psychologically vulnerable populations. This condition increases their likelihood of disengaging from their usual social environment, facilitating their isolation, sadness, and discomfort. From the perspective of social identity, well-being can be explained by two principles: social groups’ importance for health and people’s psychological (...)
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    On coarser interval temporal logics.Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Mercedes Pelegrín, Pietro Sala, Guido Sciavicco & Ionel Eduard Stan - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 266 (C):1-26.
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    "Some Reflections upon the True Grounds of Morality"- Catharine Trotter in Defence of John Locke.Emilio Maria De Tommaso - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (6).
    Although excluded from the standard account of the history of philosophy, Catharine Trotter Cockburn avoided the 17th-century bias against female intellectual skills and was an active contributor to the early modern philosophical discourse. In her Defence of Mr. Locke’s Essay, she defended Locke from several criticisms by Thomas Burnet. By analysing three of Burnet’s main arguments, such as the theory of natural conscience, his anti-voluntarism, and his belief in the immateriality of the soul, Trotter showed that he often misinterpreted John (...)
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    Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in the Age of Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Emilio García-Sánchez & Aniceto Masferrer (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume is devoted to exploring a subject which, on the surface, might appear to be just a trending topic. In fact, it is much more than a trend. It relates to an ancient, permanent issue which directly connects with people's life and basic needs: the recognition and protection of individuals' dignity, in particular the inherent worthiness of the most vulnerable human beings. The content of this book is described well enough by its title: 'Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in (...)
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    Sexual Harassment as an Emerging Problem in Peruvian University Contexts.Luz Angelica Atoche-Silva, Alberto Remaycuna-Vasquez, Gilberto Carrión-Barco, Jesús Emilio Agustín Padilla-Caballero, Lucia Ruth Pantoja-Tirado & Dina Marisol Calonge De la Piedra - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):113-123.
    Considering the prevalence of sexual harassment, especially in university contexts, it is essential to have a validated instrument to identify these characteristics in the educational community. For this reason, this study aimed to analyze the psychometric processes of the sexual harassment scale on university campuses. Using an instrumental design and a sample of 927 students, it was found that the values of the evidence of construct validity and reliability are acceptable. The practical implications of validating the instrument that will allow (...)
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    Kas 'kvoorumitaju' kujutab endast uut tüüpi bioloogilist informatsiooni? Kokkuvõte.Luis Emilio Bruni - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (1):243-243.
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    Antonio Pintor-Ramos. Biografía Académica.Ana Andaluz Romanillos & Modesto M. Gómez Alonso - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:13-20.
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    School-Based Policies: Safety and Injury Liability.James F. Bogden, Gregory A. Thomas, Lisa C. Barrios & Janet Collins - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):56-58.
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    Theoretical-methodological requirements for the development of skills in the obtaining of scientific information.Juan Carlos Álvarez Yero & Ríos Barrios - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):109-126.
    El trabajo ofrece los requerimientos teórico-metodológicos para el desarrollo de habilidades en la obtención de información científica. Se parte del análisis teórico de la información como proceso y resultado de la interacción del sujeto con su realidad y de asumir las habilidades para obtener información científica dentro de las habilidades informativas que pueden potencialmente trabajarse a la luz de las diferentes disciplinas académicas. Finalmente se brindan los fundamentos metodológicos para la implementación de los procedimientos propuestos desde el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (...)
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  17. El transhumanismo: cuestión de piel.Omar Parra Rozo & Hernando Barrios Tao - 2015 - Escritos 23 (50):43-65.
    Para la investigación que conllevó al presente artículo se utilizó el método hermenéutico analógico. Con base en los pasos primordiales de análisis e interpretación se acudió al lenguaje narrativo literario y a su relación inmediata con otros tipos de lenguaje: visual, audiovisual, de imagen, televisivo y mixto. Se estudiaron textos escritos, hablados y actuados. Se efectuó un recorrido narrativo, textual, argumentativo siendo fiel a los planteamientos del autor, al medio y al lector, y se acudió a los textos que presentan (...)
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    Impact of Postgraduate Course Prevention of Burnout in the self-care of the personnel of infirmary.Moraima Wilson Donet, Maité Llanes Rizo, Alfredo Emilio Morales López & José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):115-130.
    RESUMEN Introducción: El proceso de cuidar es el resultado de una construcción propia de cada situación, se origina con la identificación de los problemas de salud y las necesidades reales o potenciales de las personas, familia y comunidad que demandan cuidado. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto del Diplomado Prevención del Síndrome de Burnout, en el autocuidado del personal de enfermería de la Atención Secundaria de Salud de la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional, en el Hospital Amalia Simoni (...)
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    An Article “Somewhat Abusive”: William Warburton and the First Review of Hume’s Treatise.Angela Coventry, Emilio Mazza & Gianluca Mori - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (2):279-314.
    In this paper, we examine the authorship of the first review of Hume’s _Treatise of Human Nature_ (1739–40), published anonymously in the _History of the Works of the Learned_ in late 1739. We believe that William Warburton is the author of the review, as attested by various clues, partly dependent on the testimony of the editor of the _History of the Works of the Learned_, Jacob Robinson. Robinson states in 1742 that the author of Hume’s review is the same as (...)
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  20. El Tractatus al rescate de Principia Mathematica: Ramsey y los fundamentos logicistas de las matemáticas.Emilio Méndez Pinto - 2022 - Critica 54 (161):43-69.
    Mi objetivo es discutir las principales dificultades que Frank P. Ramsey encontró en Principia Mathematica y la solución que, vía el Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, propuso al respecto. Sostengo que las principales dificultades que Ramsey encontró en Principia Mathematica están, todas, relacionadas con que Russell y Whitehead desatendieron la forma lógica de las proposiciones matemáticas, las cuales, según Ramsey, deben ser tautológicas.
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  21. Catharine Trotter Cockburn. Filosofia morale, religione, metafisica.Emilio De Tommaso (ed.) - 2018 - Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino.
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn (1679- 1749) fu poetessa, drammaturga e filosofa. La vivacità intellettuale e la forte determinazione le permisero di aggirare il pregiudizio di genere e di sottrarsi alle dinamiche di marginalizzazione femminile tipiche dell’età moderna. Pur celandosi dietro l’anonimato, Cockburn prese parte attiva al dibattito filosofico del tempo, intervenendo soprattutto in materia di morale. Le sue opere filosofiche, scritte in difesa di Locke o di Clarke, custodiscono, nonostante il dichiarato intento apologetico, tratti di originalità e indipendenza, particolarmente evidenti nella (...)
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  22. Objetores de Descartes, ¿y también de Frege? Apuntes críticos al artículo “La naturaleza de las entidades matemáticas. Gassendi y Mersenne: objetores de Descartes”.Emilio Méndez Pinto - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (86):129-144.
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    Era realmente Sócrates tan sabio?Emilio Francisco Gómez-Caminero Parejo - 2012 - Kairos 4:71-86.
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  24. El bien común y la moral política.Emilio García Estébanez - 1970 - Barcelona,: Editorial Herder.
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    10 Interrogantes BioéTicos Actuales.Emilio García-Sánchez (ed.) - 2021 - Pamplona: EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A..
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    Science's neutrality and the conflict between reason and passions.Carlos Emilio García & Pablo R. Arango - 2010 - Discusiones Filosóficas 11 (17):223-237.
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    Metáfora y concepto: ¿Ricoeur crítico de Lakoff y Johnson?Carlos Emilio Gende - 2016 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 26 (1):102-110.
    La función cognitiva de la metáfora, en alguna de las versiones contemporáneas que la reivindican, alcanza un rango fundamental, pues con ella se pretende describir el modo en que se constituyen los sistemas conceptuales. Al respecto, intentaré mostrar sus límites, que surgen de la desatención a los procesos de formación lingüística; en su caso la formación de la palabra. A continuación, presentaré los rasgos de una teoría de la metáfora como enunciado, que aprovecha los rendimientos lingüísticos de esa formación para (...)
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    Teorías de la metáfora e interpretación: Examen de algunas consecuencias reduccionistas a partir del planteamiento.Carlos Emilio Gende - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 8:191-226.
    Starting from a generalconsideration about the role of the hermeneutic it is afirmed that its centralproblem is to interpretate the written texts. This obvious fact implies a demarcation of two complementary issues, to which Paul Ricoeur pays specialattention: A) the fiel of application of the inter..
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  29. Edmund Burke: Arte e passioni.Piero Emilio Giordanetti - 2005 - In Piero Giordanetti (ed.), I luoghi del sublime moderno. Led.
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    Studi in memoria di Ernesto Grassi.Ernesto Grassi, Emilio Hidalgo-Serna & Massimo Marassi (eds.) - 1996 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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  31. Ensayo sobre el finalismo histórico de F. Fukuyama.Méndez Moreno & Emilio Luis - 1998 - Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura.
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    Libertad, Individuo y gobierno: Reflexiones en torno a la racionalidad neoliberal a la luz de la analí­tica del poder de Michel Foucault.Juan Emilio Ortiz - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 48 (1):010-010.
    The aim of this work is to question the neoliberal governance standing from Michel Foucault’s philosophy. The starting point is that Foucaultian reflection is able to trigger a characterization of neoliberal rationality which can show the connection between freedom, individual and government. Likewise, the hypothesis of this writing holds that Foucault’s notion of ontology of actuality allows to criticize in a quite radical way the identities that the neoliberal logic imposes. From this point of view, it will be possible to (...)
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    Pensar la pedagogía como psicagogía en el último Foucault.Juan Emilio Ortiz-Leoni - 2023 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 35:97-124.
    Las ideas de Michel Foucault han tenido una gran influencia en las ciencias de la educación. Los estudios acerca de la sociedad disciplinaria se han convertido en una referencia ineludible para pensar las dinámicas de la institución escolar. Sin embargo, esa influencia a menudo se reduce a su enfoque crítico y deconstructivo, sin elaborar adecuadamente los aspectos propositivos y la influencia constructiva que su teoría puede ofrecer. Estetrabajo parte de la hipótesis de que los últimos estudios del filósofo brindan un (...)
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  34. DOLCE: A descriptive ontology for linguistic and cognitive engineering1.Stefano Borgo, Roberta Ferrario, Aldo Gangemi, Nicola Guarino, Claudio Masolo, Daniele Porello, Emilio M. Sanfilippo & Laure Vieu - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (1):45-69.
    dolce, the first top-level (foundational) ontology to be axiomatized, has remained stable for twenty years and today is broadly used in a variety of domains. dolce is inspired by cognitive and linguistic considerations and aims to model a commonsense view of reality, like the one human beings exploit in everyday life in areas as diverse as socio-technical systems, manufacturing, financial transactions and cultural heritage. dolce clearly lists the ontological choices it is based upon, relies on philosophical principles, is richly formalized, (...)
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    Linking Employee Stakeholders to Environmental Performance: The Role of Proactive Environmental Strategies and Shared Vision.Francisco Javier Lloréns-Montes, Emilio Pablo Díez-de-Castro & Elisa Alt - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):167-181.
    Drawing on the natural-resource-based view, we propose that employee stakeholder integration is linked to environmental performance through firms’ proactive environmental strategies, and that this link is contingent on shared vision. We tested our model with a cross-country and multi-industry sample. In support of our theory, results revealed that firms’ proactive environmental strategies translated employee stakeholder integration into environmental performance. This relationship was pronounced for high levels of shared vision. Our findings demonstrate that shared vision represents a key condition for advancing (...)
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    What's Sex Got to Do with It: Gender and the New Black Freedom Movement Scholarship.Christina Greene, Robert Korstad, John D'Emilio, Barbara Ransby, Chana Kai Lee & Catherine Fosl - 2006 - Feminist Studies 32 (1):163.
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    Personality Traits Induce Different Brain Patterns When Processing Social and Valence Information.Jorge Carlos Hevia-Orozco, Azalea Reyes-Aguilar, Raúl Hernández-Pérez, Leopoldo González-Santos, Erick H. Pasaye & Fernando A. Barrios - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper shows the brain correlates of Cloninger’s personality model during the presentation of social scenarios under positive or negative valence situations. Social scenarios were constructed when participants played the Dictator game with two confederates that had two opposites roles as the cooperator and non-cooperator. Later the same day during a fMRI scanning session, participants read negative and positive situations that happened to confederates in the past. Participants were asked to think “how do you think those people felt during that (...)
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    The Role of Moderating Variables on BOLD fMRI Response During Semantic Verbal Fluency and Finger Tapping in Active and Educated Healthy Seniors.Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda, Susana A. Castro-Chavira, Ragna Espenes, Fernando A. Barrios, Knut Waterloo & Torgil R. Vangberg - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    An intelligent fault detection system for a heat pump installation based on a geothermal heat exchanger.José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Emilio Corchado, María del Carmen Meizoso-López & Andrés Piñón-Pazos - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 17:36-47.
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    Violencia contra periodistas y entornos sociales para la protección de la prensa : una propuesta para el caso mexicano.Emilio del Carmen López - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (145):55.
    Es necesario establecer entornos sociales para la protección de la prensa en contextos de violencia centrada en los periodistas. En estos entornos interactúan tres esferas: la política institucional, la de justicia y la civil. México es una de las naciones con más agresiones a periodistas, lo que obliga a considerar las formas de ofrecer protección a la prensa.
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    Resilience and digital competences in higher education students.Pedro Emilio Jaimes Delgado, Liliana Margarita Pérez Olmos, Orlando Celis Salazar & Liliana Ramírez Pabón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-8.
    Resilience and digital skills could be considered necessary competencies for the individual of the twenty-first century, which the current social reality suggests. For this reason we carried out a research in the institution of higher education -IES- Corporación Escuela Tecnológica del Oriente, of Bucaramanga-Colombia, which had a dual purpose: to describe resilience and digital competence in 356 of its students and establish a comparison between the values of these two aspects and those reported in other HEIs in Mexico, using a (...)
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    Enseñanza de la historia y compromiso ciudadano a través de los videojuegos Civilization VI y Stardew Valley: cómo seleccionar e integrar los videojuegos en el aula.Emilio José Delgado-Algarra - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:1-8.
    Debido al desarrollo tecnológico y a la expansión del uso de aplicaciones móviles en el entorno cotidiano de los estudiantes, es necesario atender a las posibilidades de los videojuegos en la enseñanza de la historia y de las ciencias sociales. Para ello, se analizan las posibilidades de uso en el aula centrando la atención en los juegos Civilization VI y Stardew Valley; concluyendo que se observan grandes posibilidades para la enseñanza de la historia y de las ciencias sociales en ambos (...)
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    An Algebraic Approach to Inquisitive and -Logics.Nick Bezhanishvili, Gianluca Grilletti & Davide Emilio Quadrellaro - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):950-990.
    This article provides an algebraic study of the propositional system $\mathtt {InqB}$ of inquisitive logic. We also investigate the wider class of $\mathtt {DNA}$ -logics, which are negative variants of intermediate logics, and the corresponding algebraic structures, $\mathtt {DNA}$ -varieties. We prove that the lattice of $\mathtt {DNA}$ -logics is dually isomorphic to the lattice of $\mathtt {DNA}$ -varieties. We characterise maximal and minimal intermediate logics with the same negative variant, and we prove a suitable version of Birkhoff’s classic variety (...)
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  44. Introducción al estudio de la filosofía de la historia..Emilio Cuervo Márquez - 1938 - Bogotá,: Editorial A B C. Edited by Luis Augusto Cuervo.
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  45. Fisica quantistica e vuoto.Emilio Del Giudice - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (2):253.
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    «Copiati esattissimamente in misura rigorosa»: note sulle prime incisioni dei dittici eburnei del Tesoro del Duomo di Monza. Anton Francesco Gori, Anton Francesco Frisi e i fratelli Trivulzio nella seconda metà del Settecento.Marco Emilio Erba - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):117-152.
    Nel Tesoro del Duomo di Monza si conservano tre celebri dittici eburnei relativi alla dotazione di suppellettili liturgiche di Berengario del Friuli (inizi X secolo): il dittico di Stilicone e quello del Poeta e della Musa, entrambi tardo antichi; il dittico di re Davide e san Gregorio Magno, di datazione e lettura più controverse (VI secolo ed età carolingia). Primo editore dei pezzi è Anton Francesco Gori nel secondo volume del Thesaurus veterum diptychorum consularium et ecclesiasticorum (1759), corredato di tre (...)
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    The Role of Stewards of Trust in Facilitating Trust in Science: A Multistakeholder View.Christiana Varda, Kalypso Iordanou, Josephina Antoniou, Mariano Martín Zamorano Barrios, Evren Yalaz, Agata Gurzawska, Gábor Szüdi, Pamela Bartar & Lisa Häberlein - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-21.
    Trust in science post-Covid appears to be a complex matter. On the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic added value to the epistemic trustworthiness of scientific opinion and its potential to drive evidence-based policies, while it also spurred scientific distrust and societal polarization (e.g., vaccines), especially on social media. In this work we sought to understand the ways in which trust in science might be bolstered by adopting a multistakeholder perspective. This objective was achieved by considering stakeholders’ views on (a) _how_ (...)
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    Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients.Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Zhiguo Jiang, Peter Vuust, Sarael Alcauter, Lene Vase, Erick Pasaye, Roberto Cavazos-Rodriguez, Elvira Brattico, Troels S. Jensen & Fernando A. Barrios - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148096.
    Music reduces pain in fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic pain disease, but the functional neural correlates of music-induced analgesia (MIA) are still largely unknown. We recruited FM patients ( n = 22) who listened to their preferred relaxing music and an auditory control (pink noise) for 5 min without external noise from fMRI image acquisition. Resting state fMRI was then acquired before and after the music and control conditions. A significant increase in the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD (...)
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    Advanced Visualization of Intrusions in Flows by Means of Beta-Hebbian Learning.Héctor Quintián, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Daniel Urda, Ángel Arroyo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):1056-1073.
    Detecting intrusions in large networks is a highly demanding task. In order to reduce the computation demand of analysing every single packet travelling along one of such networks, some years ago flows were proposed as a way of summarizing traffic information. Very few research works have addressed intrusion detection in flows from a visualizations perspective. In order to bridge this gap, the present paper proposes the application of a novel projection method (Beta Hebbian Learning) under this framework. With the aim (...)
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    Unfolding spiritual understanding through artistic creation: Findings of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality.Carlos Miguel Gómez-Rincón, Natalia Reinoso-Chávez & Corina Estrada-Barrios - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This article presents the results of the Laboratory of Art and Spirituality (LAS), in which a group of seven Colombian artists investigated, over a period of 10 months, how artistic creation contributes to understanding spiritual experiences. The research-creation methodology involved spaces of spiritual practice, artistic exploration, and autoethnographic reflection. With the help of these spaces, the artists produced various materials that were subsequently analyzed using a hermeneutic phenomenological orientation. As a result, we developed a model of artistic understanding based on (...)
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